1. Put your music player on shuffle. 2. Press forward for each question. 3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense.
I love my house. When I got accepted to medical school my mom hired an interior designer as a gift to me. It's warm with a contemporary edge and all the classic moldings and fixtures Georgetown townhomes are famous for
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Steven Mol. That's the name of the guy I killed. He was 29 years old and it was his second day working for UPS. He had a wife named Megan and 2 kids. A little boy and a brand new little girl. She's never going to know her dad except for stories and pictures
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You know it's a slow news day when firemen rescuing a cat from a pipe makes it on CNN. It is cool about the lock out being over. I can think of at least 2 basketball players that will be happy to go back to work
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What kind of a sadistic television network shows Outbreak during cold and flu season? I must have been out of my damn mind watching it. Now every time someone clears their throat it makes me cringe
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Even with all the chaos of the hospital right now, it's hard not to notice all the students going home for Thanksgiving. Two of my three roommates left last night making the house seem oddly quiet. I hate it. Holidays are lonely when your family is halfway across the country and you have to work
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I'm being a bitch and it's like I can't stop. I'm mad. I'm hurt. I'm jealous. I'm angry at myself because I was over this shit. He was ancient history and there have plenty of other men between him and now. So tell me why stomach got the angriest fucking butterflies when he just reappeared. Why dread set in when he said he wanted to see me. Why it
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Just when you think your life has enough drama, Karma (that spiteful bitch) hand delivers the first boy to break your heart some random guy from your past. And I want to know how we could be living in the same city for YEARS and never once cross paths? Not once! That almost doesn't even seem possible.